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100 bayrische Bährchen

359,00 1.398,00 

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*

359,00 1.398,00 

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*

The classical white down duvet insert 100 BAYRISCHE BÄHRCHEN is unobtrusively printed with the brand symbol, a golden bear’s head. The casing is made of extra fine Mako cotton batiste with satin piping and contains high-quality big-flaky Bavarian goose downs – they keep the heat in perfectly and they offer optimum moisture management. The fluffiness of the duvet insert guarantees a constant body temperature during sleep and thus a restful sleep. It is also suitable for dust mite allergy sufferers.


100 BAYRISCHE BÄHRCHEN is made in Germany; the downs come from certified, species-appropriate animal-rearing by selected suppliers. Moreover the downs are purified in an environmentally friendly washing procedure and sustainably processed under strict quality controls.


Characteristics: light – for warm regions and warm seasons, as well for room temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius


Filling weight: 135x200cm = 440g; 155x220cm = 580g; 200x200cm = 630g; 200x220cm = 690g

220x260 320x320 135x200 155x220 200x200 200x220 240x220 260x240
  • 100% Down
  • Light duvet insert
  • 000 white
  • #603047

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Plaid aus Schurwolle, elfenbein in 140x190cm, zoeppritz Classic LambswoolPlaid from lambswool, ivory in 140x190cm, zoeppritz, Classic Lambswool

Since 1828 Lambswool

Virgin wool plaid


incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
Pillow case from cotton, white in 80x80, zoeppritz EasyKissenbezug aus baumwolle, white in 80x80, zoeppritz Easy


Percale cushion cover

29,90 39,90 

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
Kissen aus Baumwolle, Federn und Airchips, weiss in 45x45cm, zoeppritz GoosyCushion from cotton, feather and airchips, white in 45x45cm, zoeppritz Goosy


Pillow filling with duck feathers

11,90 43,90 

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*

Must Relax

Virgin wool plaid


incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*


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