welcome to absurd paradise


Picnic in the Garden of Eden

Our #331 ABSURD PARADISE stands for preserving paradise on earth and respecting nature, and the blanket of knowledge,made from pure soft cotton, is a key piece in our Trend Collection 2020 OVER THE RAINBOW.


The rainbow here represents the importance of nature conservation, lest we be cast out of paradise as Adam and Eve were.


Times like these illustrate more than ever what is valuable and important, and nature in all of its complex beauty is surely part of that. Who doesn’t love enjoying nature in its many forms whether that’s long mountain walks, or staying close to home in the garden.


It’s even more enjoyable when you can make yourself comfortable with products that embody longevity and high quality, a matter of fact for us since 1828.

Zoeppritz Baumwolldecke in Multicolor-Webtechnik 331 Absurd Paradise, bunt, Material Baumwolle in Groesse 140x180

Life began in a garden

Sunny Leg

Cotton throw
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
stay here zoeppritz leinen kopfkissenbezug lehm beige

Stay Here

Linen pillow case
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*

Jag’s Friends

Decorative beetle in resin
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*


Fleece blanket
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*


Fleece cushion cover
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
Camera Clutch orangeCamera Clutch orange

camera clutch

faux leather bag
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
Zoeppritz Kissen aus Leinen Honeybee, orange, Material Leinen in Groesse 30x40Zoeppritz Kissen aus Leinen Honeybee, orange, Material Leinen in Groesse 40x60


Linen cushion cover
incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
zoeppritz 331 Bowl Schuessel, weiss, Material Porzellan, Durchmesser 19 cmzoeppritz 331 Bowl Schuessel, weiss, Material Porzellan, Durchmesser 19 cm

#331 Bowl

incl. 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days*
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